
Nik and Sam xxx 28th March 2020

Here are a few of my most cherished and favourite memories of Nan and there are so many special memories to pick from. Most are about the amount our Nan spoiled us with food whenever we stayed over. We started with a three course breakfast, always including pink grapefruit. Biscuits and a hot drink snack for elevenses. Lunch was always my favourite homemade pizzas in the grill with a fizzy panda pop, usually followed by more biscuits. Nan’s house had the best games fuzzy felts, the dark haired head lady doll that we could practice hair styles on and of course the vintage Nintendo. Jo and I would sit for hours playing bubble pop and I still remember the theme tune now! Outside was cricket in the garden with Grandad, climbing the tree or zooming down the sloped drive and through the gate on our bikes. Nan was always active walking and swimming for as long as I can remember, she was a such a strong and happy person. We will miss you loads, love you always. Nik xxx

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